
FGDB’s activity as Judicial Liquidator (Trustee)

In 2002, according to its extended mandate, FGDB had been appointed by the courts as Judicial Liquidator (Trustee) of two failed banks ­- Banca Română de Scont SA and Banca Turco Română SA – pursuant to the applicable legislation at that time.

Since December 14, 2015, the date of entry into force of the Law no.311/2015 on deposit guarantee schemes and the Bank Deposit Guarantee Fund, FGDB can no longer be Judicial Liquidator (Trustee) of credit institutions. However, FGDB will continue to perform such quality for the aforementioned two banks until the closure of their bankruptcy proceedings.

Banca Română de Scont SA – in bankruptcy (BRS) – short description, contact data

The bankruptcy proceedings of Banca Română de Scont SA had been commenced on the basis of the Civil Judgment no.79 of April 16, 2002 issued by the Braşov Court in the file no.1614/F/2002 (new number 63/62/2002).

I. Claims recovery and assets’ sales

Total collections between April 16, 2002 – December 31, 2024 amounted to RON 40.18 million, coming mainly from:

• claims recovery of RON 19.1 million, representing about 48% of the total collections and 51% of the total claims (credits and accrued interests) as of bankrupcy date;

• assets’ sales of RON 16.4 million, representing 41% of the total collections.

Liquidation costs until December 31, 2024 amounted to RON 22.2 million.

II. Distributions of sums to creditors

Until December 31, 2024, 11 distributions amounting to RON 18.1 million were made to creditors, representing about 47% of creditors’ claims.

In terms of prospects of selling the assets in the BRS patrimony, steps are currently taken for the sale of assets held by the bank (as co-owner together with Societatea de Asigurări – Reasigurări Astra SA – in bankruptcy), namely the lands located in the Siglău – Uricani area, Hunedoara County.

Contact Data

Banca Română de Scont SA – in bankruptcy

Piaţa Sfatului nr.26, Braşov, judeţul Braşov, Romania

Tel: (+40) 268 471 088, 268 471 077

Fax: (+40) 268 470 874


FGDB’s representative as Judicial Liquidator of BRS:

Mr. Cornel Benchea,

Banca Turco Română SA – in bankruptcy (BTR) – short description, contact data

The bankruptcy proceedings of Banca Turco Română SA had been commenced on the basis of the Civil Judgment no.1215 of July 2, 2002 issued by the Bucharest Court in the file no.719/2002 (new number 143/3/2002).

I. Claims recovery and assets’ sales

Total collections between April 16, 2002 – December 31, 2024 amounted to RON 67.7 million, coming mainly from:

• assets’ sale of RON 31.9 million, representing 47% of total collections;

• financial revenues (gains from investing available liquidities) of RON 19.4 million, representing about 29% of total collections;

• claims recovery of RON 15.1 million, representing 22% of collections and about 7% of the total claims (credits and accrued interests) as of bankrupcy date.

Liquidation costs until December 31, 2024 amounted to RON 20.8 million.

II. Distributions of sums to creditors

Until December 31, 2024, 7 distributions amounting to RON 45.5 million were made to creditors, representing about 43% of creditors’ claims.

Contact Data

Banca Turco Română SA – in bankruptcy

Bulevardul Voluntari nr.88, Oraș Voluntari, judeţul Ilfov, cod poştal 077190, Romania

Telefon: (+40) 21 2703995, 21 2703996

Fax: (+40) 21 2703997


FGDB’s representative as Judicial Liquidator of BTR:

Ms. Marina Cornelia Saita,